Watch Online / Dance of the Blue Angels (2004)
Desc: Dance of the Blue Angels: Directed by Steve Lichtag. With Steve Lichtag. Steve Lichtags team has set off to see blue whales in the Silver Bank area in the Caribbean. He couldnt have known that this adventure would be one of the most strenuous and dangerous. Far from these waters, on the other side of the planet there lives seventeen-year-old Veronika. When she was just thirteen, she fell from a tree and was paralyzed for life. Through a painstakingly difficult process Veronika has learned to paint with her mouth and, thanks to these pictures, she runs into a mythical world of gigantic mammals, which she admires and looks up to. Her dream is to become a whale and live in oceans, to be free and unchained. In her fantasy she fights bloodthirsty whalers to save the blue angels. The film was produced based on a real story and you will become not only lovers of wonderful dancing giants but you will also deeply feel the moments, which condemn the whales to death under a human baton.